The Maui County Office on Aging (MCOA), in coordination with the Hawaii State Executive Office on Aging and the County Area Agencies on Aging, is in the initial stages of implementing a 5-year Plan to become a fully functioning Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC). The ADRC will provide the single point of entry to access information, referrals and linkages for disability groups of all ages, including frail elders, adults with physical disabilities, individuals with developmental disabilities or mental illness, and children with long-term support needs. The ADRC will also screen and link individuals to the state Medicaid agency if it is determined that the individual requesting assistance is likely to be Medicaid eligible. MCOA is acting in response to the national mandate that will unite, simplify and streamline the process of learning about and accessing services for seniors and adults with disabilities so that they may receive appropriate levels of assistance and care in their homes and in their communities. The website,, serves as a virtual Aging and Disability Resource Center that, combined with traditional face-to-face services, provides greater options for accessing information, assistance, and referral for families living either near or far.